In my previous post, I qualified fathers and their supporting mates as shapers of society. It is important to know that as fathers, and equally important, as mothers, you have been charged with a very important role; and it is of utmost importance that you play your part very carefully. How you handle your role can make a difference in the future of our society. You are the shapers of potential presidents, CEO'S image makers, doctors, lawyers, bankers and an endless list of future leaders. When God placed that tiny life in your hands, he gave you a very important mission, a mission of molding that tiny life into the person that they will eventually become. In order words, how you guide your child determines what they will give back to the society. As a father, it is important to realize that whatever you teach your child will shape his character and his destiny for life. It is easy for some men to skip away from their responsibility and let the woman shoulder it alone, but that can lead to very dire consequences for the child. As a father, not playing your role may lead to the following disasters:

A child that despises his father- The world is full of young men who grew up without the benefit of their fathers, men who skipped away from their responsibility only to return when their son is grown and try to establish a relationship with that son. By then it is often too late and only the special grace of God can keep that child from despising his father.

A man that fathers a child that he will probably never meet. A child goes by what he knows and a boy that grew up not knowing his father might think that it is normal to father children and move on.

A father who is too young to be a father. A father who is not just not ready to be a father. How many of us know of young men that father children without really being ready for the responsibility, an unmarried father that is still living at home, now with the added bonus of a child and his baby’s mother draining his mother’s resources.

A father who fathered a baby who lives with his mother in her mother’s house. The other end of the spectrum where the mother of the young man is not ready to let the son’s girlfriend and the baby move in. Now the young man has to shuttle between his mother and his baby’s mother’s house if he is to maintain any kind of relationship with his child.

A father who will deny his child once the consequences of his fun turns to pregnancy. “No, that is not my child. How do I know you were not cheating?” Such things lead to nothing but heartbreak and disasters.

A married father who fathers other children with a single mother.

A deadbeat father.

A father who is denied the right to be a father because his girlfriend is too embarrassed of him to acknowledge his paternity.

A father that never really takes responsibility. A drunk, a junkie, a habitual gambler.

And how many of you have heard of the father who ends up fathering a child with his own daughter because he never met her and did not know that she is his blood?

These are very important lessons culled from my pastor at church today and I felt a deep commitment to share it with my readers. It is my hope that all of us will fall into step and realize the great responsibility that God has placed on our shoulders. God is always ready to help us but we have to play our own part. God bless always.

Chinyere Obinna. O.


Anonymous said…
Well said

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